Thursday, August 1, 2013


Some people say love is blind, you cant see it, I disagree. You can see love feel love and hear love. In this life love is under rated. Love only exist in a female and male relationship. The world lacks world peace. The world is selfish the plan is to kill steal and destroy. This world is nothing but hate, with the lack of of peace how can we survive. I am glad that i believe in God. The love of God is in me so I have to show it to the world. God says in the last days that it will be evil times that it will be nothing but hate as I get older I see the only person I can trust is God. We live in a world that people will do almost any and everything including killing for money. How can I stop this. I know that no weapon form against thee shall prosper. It seems like the world goes against the peace makers and worship the trouble makers. They hated Martin Luther King. He was a man of love ,integrity, courage, and peace. they killed him!!! They also hated Jesus a man that showed nothing but love, they killed him. When I say they I mean the world, the world is dirty Torrence Hatch says it best. So how can we stop it. The title to this blog is what I mean about this world. I try to love it but it has a lost souls so how can I love it. Loving this world I will never prosper so I want.